White woman with brown hair sitting down with sun in her face smiling with eyes closed. This image represents a woman feeling calm and not anxious or overwhelmed.

Let Go of Anxiety and Overwhelm

High-Functioning Anxiety in Women

On the outside, you appear to be calm and confident. But that doesn’t match what goes on internally. Inside you feel overwhelmed and run down with constant thoughts that keep you up at night. Your mind races, thinking about everything and anything. During the day, your racing thoughts make it difficult to be present. Anxiety seems to always be there, a sense of impending doom, and it shows up in almost every aspect of your life. You think of worst-case scenarios, and constantly think “what if”. You worry if you are doing a good job and feel overwhelmed trying to balance your career, mom life, relationships, and the never-ending laundry.

You hold yourself to high standards and are hard on yourself when you don’t meet them. You’re used to giving 100% but lately, you feel like you are failing. You’re constantly on the go and when you have a moment to slow down, you worry about everything that needs to be done. Physically, you carry muscle tension and feel “keyed up” and “on edge.” And no matter what you do, you can’t relax. Something needs to change.

Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

  • When you try to relax, you can’t. You feel like you should be doing something on your to-do list

  • You feel overwhelmed

  • Your mind races at night making it difficult to fall asleep

  • You’re schedule is full and you often find yourself overcommitted

  • You constantly feel on edge

  • Anxiety leaves you feeling paralyzed and you procrastinate

Why Do I Feel Anxious and Overwhelmed all the Time?

Anxiety is one of the most common experiences that we face. After all, we live in a society that reinforces busyness, hustle culture, and performance. Anxiety has a positive intent for our lives. It may be there to help us know when we are in danger. Or maybe it tells us that something is off. But sometimes we have trouble distinguishing between a real threat and a perceived one. You know that anxiety you feel when your boss emails you asking to set up a meeting? Your heart starts racing and you become convinced that you know you are getting fired or did something wrong. When in reality, your boss just wanted to give you some positive feedback. Being prepared and on top of things is what gives you peace of mind (sometimes!), so a meeting request sends you into a spiral of all the possibilities.

Like my high-achieving clients, you are hard-working and driven. You have a lot of personal and professional goals, but it feels like there is never enough time or energy to accomplish it all. Anxiety gets in the way of the life you want. It makes life harder. It keeps you from taking risks because you are so worried about failing and you find yourself procrastinating.

You’ve tried to handle it on your own by reading self-help books, listening to podcasts, and maybe even trying therapy before, but anxiety is still there. I get it. I’ve been there. But you don’t have to continue life feeling this way.

You Deserve a Break from Overthinking and Feeling Overwhelmed All the Time

Despite knowing therapy might be helpful, there’s something that has held you back from seeking out support for your anxiety. You may feel that your anxiety isn’t bad enough to need therapy. You get your shit done and do it well (with a side of self-doubt). Or maybe you fear that therapy will make it worse and you’ll feel overwhelmed. Most of the time we tend to cope with anxiety by avoiding what is making us anxious (hello procrastination!). If this is you, you are not alone. I want you to know that it is completely normal to feel anxious about starting therapy. Most of my clients tell me at the end of their first session that they feel hopeful that therapy will help.

Whatever the reason is, you deserve to take back your life instead of letting anxiety run the show. You can experience a life free from racing thoughts and constantly feeling overwhelmed.

Move From Overwhelm to More Centered

It may be hard to imagine what a life without anxiety would look like. But just because you’ve experienced it for so long does not mean that you have to keep feeling this way. I want you to know that life can look different if you are ready to do the work.

By working with an anxiety therapist, you can:

  • Feel confident in making decisions

  • Have more energy to focus on what matters most to you

  • Set boundaries and assert yourself in your relationships and work

  • Be more present and less in your head

  • Sleep better without racing thoughts keeping you up at night

  • Be more productive

Online Therapy for Overthinking and Anxiety

Online therapy offers convenience and flexibility so you can address your anxiety and get back to living your life. With online therapy, you are not restricted to the therapists in your community and you can work with a specialist in your state. In therapy, we will work on understanding your anxiety more. We’ll explore what things make your anxiety worse (caffeine, relationships, your toxic family members), ways you tried to cope with it in the past, and develop effective coping skills to manage anxiety so it doesn’t manage you. You’ll still experience moments of stress and anxiety, but they won’t overwhelm you. You deserve to feel centered and grounded. I would love to help you get there.

Ready to Make a Change?

  • 1.

    Hit the contact button and send me a brief message! I’ll reach out shortly to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.

  • 2.

    This free 15-minute phone consultation allows you to ask any questions you may have and see if we would be a good fit.

  • 3.

    Overcome your anxiety. We will work together so you can let go of anxiety.