Brunette woman with curly hair wearing a green shirt and smiling. This image represents a woman who feels confident in herself.

Ditch Self-Doubt

Gain Confidence

Imposter Syndrome in Women

No matter what you do, it doesn’t feel enough. You excelled in college and always knew that you would pursue graduate school. You’re driven, hard-working, and accomplished. But despite this, you are filled with thoughts of self-doubt. Imposter syndrome is a common feeling and experience. You compare yourself to others and feel like you don’t measure up. When you are given a compliment or praise, you feel like it is based on luck and you fear that others will find out that you actually have no idea what you are doing. You are good at hiding your insecurities and self-doubt. Others would be shocked to know that you struggle with self-doubt as you appear to be confident and competent. And when you make a mistake (as we all do), you are incredibly hard on yourself and your own worst critic. Your self-doubt and inner critic get in the way of the life you want.

Why Do I Doubt Myself?

Because you are human. Most of us doubt ourselves at one point in our lives. But for some, self-doubt can show up in almost every aspect of your life and really get in the way. You doubt our abilities in your career, in your relationships, and being a parent. You question everything you do and feel like you are not measuring up and that others have it all figured out. You hold yourselves to such high standards and when you mess up, you are very hard on yourself. I see this a lot in my female-identifying clients who have been in graduate school and are career-driven. Societal standards can certainly play a role as women are told to do it all and do it effortlessly. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to continue life feeling this way.

Online therapy for imposter syndrome may be helpful for you if:

  • You are hard on yourself when you make a mistake

  • You feel like a fraud despite being successful

  • You fear failure and struggle with perfectionism

  • You compare yourself to others

  • You experience imposter syndrome

  • Your worth is tied to your accomplishments

You Can Be Productive Without Beating Yourself Up

You’ve thought about starting therapy before, but there’s something that has held you back. Maybe you worry that seeking out therapy means that you are weak. After all, on paper, it seems that you have it all together. The degrees, career, and family. Your inner critic tells you that you don’t need help for your self-doubt and insecurities. You would be embarrassed for others to know that you doubt yourself so much. So you’ve tried reading self-help books and listened to Brene Brown but are still filled with thoughts of self-doubt. I get it. I’ve been there. But your life does not have to be filled with self-doubt. You deserve to feel more confident in yourself and be more productive without the relentless self-doubt that keeps you stuck.

Move From Self-Doubt to Confidence

I want you to imagine a life with less self-doubt. What does that look like? What is different in your life? Do you have more time for hobbies and self-care? What if you were as kind to yourself as you are to others?

If you struggled to imagine a life with less self-doubt, that’s completely okay, most of my clients do too. I want you to know that life can look different if you are ready to do the work.

With online therapy for self-doubt, you can":

  • Feel more confident in yourself

  • Know your worth is not tied to your career or accomplishments

  • Treat yourself with the kindness you give others

  • Assert yourself and your needs without guilt and shame

  • Take risks without fearing failure

  • Feel more motivated

Online Therapy for Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt in Texas

Online therapy offers convenience and flexibility so you can address your anxiety and get back to living your life. With online therapy for imposter syndrome, you are not restricted to the therapists in your community and you can work with a specialist in your state. I love working with clients who experience self-doubt. They are highly self-aware and know that they are hard on themselves despite being kind to others. With online therapy for imposter syndrome, we will work on increasing your confidence and self-esteem. You deserve to feel confident in yourself and I would love to help you get there.

Ready to Make a Change?

  • 1.

    Hit the contact button and send me a brief message! I’ll reach out shortly to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.

  • 2.

    This free 15-minute phone consultation allows you to ask any questions you may have and see if we would be a good fit.

  • 3.

    Let’s get to work so you can ditch self-doubt and gain confidence.