How to Find a Therapist in Austin, Texas

Finding a therapist can be daunting and overwhelming. You scour online directories but every profile sounds the same. It doesn’t leave you feeling confident that this person will truly understand your struggles and help you. It can be immensely vulnerable starting therapy and so I hope that these steps will help you feel more confident in finding a therapist that will be a good fit for you.


Step 1: Figure Out What You Need Support With

To find a therapist that is a good fit, it can be so helpful for you to know what it is you need support with. Is it setting boundaries in relationships? Decreasing anxiety and burnout so you can be more productive? Or maybe you would like to work on feeling more confident in yourself. Whatever it is, spend some time getting clear on why therapy might be helpful for you. By knowing what you are needing support with, you can then find a therapist that specializes in what you are struggling with. This can be helpful so that you don’t waste your time and money with therapists that may not be the best fit for you.


Step 2: Find Therapists that Might be a Good Fit

You might think to yourself that there’s so many therapists out there, how can you possibly narrow it down. There are plenty of ways you can narrow that list down. First, you can search online directories. While this can be overwhelming, you can use filters to help you narrow down your search. These filters may include the gender of therapist, if they take insurance or not, cost of therapy, modality (in-person vs. online), etc. You can also ask friends and family if they have had any positive experiences and therapists that they would personally recommend. Word of mouth can be an effective way to find a great therapist. If you have a relationship with other allied health professionals (e.g. primary care doctor, chiropractor, massage therapist, trainer), you can also ask them if they have recommendations.


Step 3: Explore Their Websites

Once you have a list of a few therapists that you feel might be a good fit, take time to look at their profiles on online directories or their website if they have one. Do they speak directly to you and what you are experiencing? Or is their copy pretty generic with phrases like “I will help you on your journey to self-empowerment?” That might be great but what does that really mean? Does their copy leaving you feeling uncertain or seen and heard? You may explore their “About Me” and see if you can get a feel for what they may be like. As you look at their website, if any seem appealing to you, you may create a list of questions that their website doesn’t answer.


Step 4: Set Up a Consultation Call with an Austin Therapist

Most therapists will offer a free brief consultation call. The purpose of this call is to see if you and the therapist would be a good fit for each other. While each therapist may structure their consultation call differently, most will ask you to briefly talk about what you are coming to therapy for. This ensures that they will be able to help you with your concerns. If they can’t, they may give you referrals to other therapists that they think may be a better fit. While this can feel defeating, they are likely doing this to ensure that you find the best fit with a therapist and get the help you need. They don’t want to waste your time. If the therapist can help you with your concerns, I highly encourage you to ask them any questions you may have about therapy with them. Once you find a therapist that feels like it would be a good it, set up that appointment!


A Few More Thoughts

If you are thinking about starting therapy and feeling nervous, know that you are not alone. Finding a therapist can be scary but working with a therapist that truly gets you can be so rewarding! You deserve to find good quality care and I hope you do. Not all therapists will be the best fit, but I promise that there are a lot of therapists out there who would love to work with you. All you need to do is take the next step. Easy right? Ha!

Licensed Psychologist in Austin, TX

My name is Dr. Molly Moore and I am a licensed psychologist in Texas providing online therapy to high-achieving women so they can let go of the constant anxiety and relentless self-doubt that keeps them stuck. Tired of struggling with anxiety, imposter syndrome, and burnout? Feel free to take a look at my website and if you feel like we may be a good it, reach out today!


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