Click, Connect, Heal: The Power of Online Therapy

While the pandemic certainly made telehealth or online therapy more known, online therapy has been around before the pandemic. I remember when the world was shutting down and we all were scrambling to get our home offices set up, calling IT departments to remote in, and thinking that it was going to be a “2-week thing.” Online therapy was not something I had experience with and during this scramble, pretty much every therapist I knew was rushing to learn more about how to deliver effective therapy online through. I’ll be honest and say that at first, I was hesitant about online therapy. I had concerns about if I was going to be able to connect with my clients in the same way and if my connection would stay strong. Despite my concerns, I was shocked to see how easy the transition was. For most of my clients, using technology as a way to connect was not new to them and we were able to pick up right where we left off when we were in person.

If you have some concerns about whether online therapy is right for you, I’d encourage you to read below on some of the benefits of online therapy and see if this helps alleviate those concerns. Online therapy is ideal for my high-achieving and busy clients, and I go into more detail below.

Convenience and Flexibility with Online Therapy

If you are like my clients, it may feel like there are not enough hours in the day. So finding time to go to therapy feels next to impossible. The biggest reason my clients love online therapy is that it is convenient. You can join the session from your office while on your lunch break, car (as long as you aren’t driving), or in the comfort of your own home as long as you are still in Texas and have access to a private space and connected to secure internet. This is especially appealing for my clients who are on the go and may not have the time to drive across town, make it to therapy, and then drive back to work.


Online Therapy vs In-Person Therapy

There’s robust research on the effects of online therapy when compared to individual therapy. I won’t bore you with the details, but research shows that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy for most presenting concerns. There may be times when I will recommend in-person therapy for certain presenting concerns (e.g. suicidal thoughts, substance use, etc.), but for most of my clients, online therapy is a great option. One thing I have noticed with online therapy is that my clients cancel less and are more consistent with therapy. I attribute this to the flexibility and convenience that online therapy provides. And of course, we know that the more you show up to session and do the work, the better outcomes!


One of the things my clients love about therapy is the comfort that it provides. It can be scary and nerve-wracking to meet with a new therapist for the first time. With online therapy, clients can do the hard work in therapy from the comfort of their home which provides them with a familiar and safe environment. I love to encourage clients to make their space comforting in ways that feel authentic to them. That could be through lighting a candle, sipping your coffee or tea in session, or even having your dog or cat nearby (pets are welcome!).


Working with a Specialist

With in-person therapy, you are limited to the therapists that are within our geographical location. But with online therapy, you can work with a therapist who specializes in your concerns, even if they are not close to where you live. As a therapist who has her own therapist, I love that online therapy lets me see a provider who specializes in my concerns even if they are not in my city. I know that I am getting good quality care by seeing someone who truly understands my concerns and that is more important to me than how I meet with the person (in-person vs online).


Last Thoughts

There are so many benefits to online therapy but it may not be for everyone. I encourage potential clients who may be hesitant about online therapy to give it a few sessions and see how they feel. Most of them find that they actually like it way more than they thought they would and wind up staying. If you are ready to do the hard work and think that online therapy with me may be a good fit, reach out!

Online Therapy in Texas 

Ready to make a change?

1.       Hit the contact button and send me a brief message!

2.       I’ll reach out shortly and we will schedule a brief consultation call to ensure that therapy with me will be a good fit.


I am here to help you leave behind the self-doubt and constant overwhelm that keeps you stuck. I want you to have a rich and fulfilling life without sacrificing what matters most to you. I offer effective online therapy anywhere in Texas for clients experiencing self-doubt, anxiety, and burnout. If you’re ready to make changes and do the hard work- reach out today to get started!


Embracing Your Worth: Overcoming the Feeling of Never Being Enough


Embracing the Anxious Mind: A Guide to Understanding and Healing